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Analysis of response of disaster medical assistance teams and public health disaster response teams in incident cases of mass casualty: a comparative analysis of medically underserved area and adequately served area
Jin Sil Ma, Jae-Hyug Woo, Woo-Sung Choi, Hyuk Jun Yang, Sung Youl Hyun
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2021;32(2):151-161.   Published online April 30, 2021
Current status of education for disaster medicine in Korean medical schools
Jong-Young Park, Jae-Hyug Woo, Jea Yeon Choi, Jin Seong Cho, Yong Su Lim, Sung Youl Hyun
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2020;31(5):504-510.   Published online October 30, 2020
Single Center Experiences to Landslides on Woo-myun Mountain: Preparedness, Response, and Lessons Learned
Hyung Gi Moon, Soo Hyun Kim, Sang Hoon Oh, Kyu Nam Park, Young Min Kim, Chun Song Youn
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2013;24(1):7-13.
Emergency Medical Centers Preparedness for a Biological Disaster in Korea
Tae Jin Park, Woo Ju Kim, Jae Chul Yun, Bum Jin Oh, Kyoung Soo Lim, Bu Su Lee, Tae Ho Lim, Jae baek Lee, Eun Suk Hong
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2008;19(3):263-272.
Hospital Disaster Preparedness in Korea: Aspect of Basic Supplies during a Disaster
Chang Hwan Sohn, Jae Chol Yoon, Bum Jin Oh, Won Kim, Kyoung Soo Lim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2008;19(1):22-30.
Aspects of Patients Injured While Attending Street Rallies in Seoul During the Period of the 2002 World Cup
Jeong Yeol Seo, Moo Eob Ahn, Hee Cheol Ahn, Jae Bong Chung, Sung Eun Kim, Gi Hoon Choi, Ji Hoon Bae, Jun Hwi Cho, Chan Woo Park, Taek Gun Ok, Young A Choi, Ki Cheol You
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2005;16(1):33-37.
Disaster Planning in the Emergency Department by Using an Analysis of Injuries Related to Assembly and Demonstration
Thae Young Kwak, Kyu Nam Park, Seung Pil Choi, Mi Jin Lee, Won Jae Lee, Hyung Min Kim, Se Kyung Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2004;15(6):463-468.
Internal Disaster Mapping of Asan Medical Center
Jae Ho Lee, Kyoung Soo Lim, Jae Chol Yoon, Yun Kyung Park, Won Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2003;14(5):575-580.
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