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Impact of Source of Infection on Outcome in Patients with Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock in the Emergency Department
Dong Ha Song, Minjung Kathy Chae, Sung Yeon Hwang, Sang Chan Jin, Tae Rim Lee, Won Chul Cha, Min Seob Sim, Keun Jeong Song, Yeon Kwon Jeong, Tae Gun Shin
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2014;25(5):625-631.
The Relationship between the Postreturn of Spontaneous Circulation Electrocardiogram and Coronary Angiography Finding in out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients
Jeong Hoon Lee, Min Jung Chae, Tae Rim Lee, Won Chul Cha, Tae Gun Shin, Min Seob Sim, Ik Joon Jo, Keun Jeong Song, Joong Eui Rhee, Yeon Kwon Jeong
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2014;25(5):582-588.
The Relationship between EEG Findings and Prognosis in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients during Therapeutic Hypothermia
Gun Tak Lee, Ga Young Chung, Tae Rim Lee, Won Chul Cha, Tae Gun Shin, Min Seob Sim, Ik Joon Jo, Keun Jeong Song, Yeon Kwon Jeong
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2014;25(1):1-8.
A Study on Attitudes Toward and Knowledge of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Korean High School Students
Jae Won Suh, Ji Young Choi, Tae Rim Lee, Keun Jeong Song
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2012;23(6):901-906.
Effectiveness of a Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Team with an Emergency Physician for In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Hang A Park, Mun Ju Kang, Won Chul Cha, Tae Gun Shin, Ik Joon Jo, Keun Jeong Song, Yeon Kwon Jeong, Min Seob Sim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2012;23(5):603-610.
Effect of Public re-education in willingness to Perform bystander Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Yu Ha Na, Keun Jeong Song, Gyu Chong Cho, Hoon Lim, Jung Wee Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):656-661.
Validation of Termination Guidelines for Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest in Korea
Jong Geun Eun, Min Seob Sim, Keun Jeong Song, Mi Kyong Kwon, Sang hyun Park, Jun Seob Shin, Min Joung Kim, Sung Pil Chung, Hahn Shick Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):599-604.
First Survival Case of an Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patient Shocked using a Public-Access Automated External Defibrillator in Korea
Chang Won Lee, Gyu Chong Cho, Keun Jeong Song, June Soo Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(3):279-282.
Estimation of the Rate of Preventable Deaths After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Preliminary Study
Ki Man Lee, Sung Phil Chung, Min Joung Kim, Keun Jeong Song, Jun Seob Shin, Young Taek Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2010;21(6):738-744.
The Status of Bystander CPR in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Seok Nam Oh, Tae Gun Shin, Chong Kun Hong, Min Seob Sim, Keun Jeong Song
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2010;21(5):554-560.
Prospective Multi-center Evaluation and Outcome of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation for Victims of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in Seoul
Beom Kyu Cho, Sang Chul Kim, Hyun Kim, Mi Jin Lee, Yong Min Kim, Kyung Ryoung Lee, Han Sung Choi, Keun Jeong Song, In Cheol Park, Sung Pil Chung, Eun Kyung Eo, Ji Young Yoo, Tai Ho Im, Tai Ho Rho, Kang Hyun Lee, Sung Oh Hwang
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2009;20(4):355-364.
Clinical Review of Inappropriate Use of Adenosine in Tachycardic Patients at the Emergency Department
Dong Hyuk Sinn, Keun Jeong Song, Byung Seop Shin, Pil Cho Choi
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2004;15(5):331-336.
Appropriation Evaluation of Simple R a -diography Interpretation by EM Resident
Sang O Park, Keun Jeong Song, Min Seob Sim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2004;15(1):30-35.
The Report for Emergency Resident's Training Status and Improvement
Keun Jeong Song, Jung Bae Park, Hyuk Jun Yang, Boo Soo Lee, Joong Eui Rhee, Yong Su Lim, Seung Pil Choi, Tag Heo, Sung Oh Hwang
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2003;14(3):217-223.
Assessment of Credibility and Accuracy of Contents on Basic Life Support on the Internet in Korea and Japan
Min Seob Sim, Keun Jeong Song, Pil Jo Choi, Woon Yong Kwon, Hyoung Gon Song, Yeon Kwon Jeong
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2003;14(1):93-98.
Missed Traumatic Cervical Spine Injury
Min Seob Sim, Min Jeoung Kim, Sang O Park, Hyoung Gon Song, Yeon Kwon Jeoung, Keun Jeong Song
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2002;13(4):582-585.
Clinical Characteristics of the Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Pil Cho Choi, Sang Kuk Han, Dong Hyuk Shin, Woon Yong Kwon, Hyoung Gon Song, Keun Jeong Song, Yeon Kwon Jeong
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2002;13(4):549-554.
The Effect of Separation of Prescription and Dispensation of Drugs on Acute Poisoning in Urban Tertiary Emergency Center
Min Seob Sim, Pil Cho Choi, Keun Jeong Song, Wen Joen Chang
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2002;13(4):545-548.
Patterns of Emergency Department Use During the Korean Doctor's Strike
Young Mi Choi, Moo Eob Ahn, Hee Cheol Ahn, Jung Tae Choi, Ki Cheol You, Seok Joon Jang, In Cheol Park, Keun Jeong Song, Eun Seok Hong, Sung Pil Chung, Seung Whan Kim, Jeong Yeon Hwang, Jun Hwi Cho
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2002;13(4):478-484.
Analysis of Victims of the Fire that Broke Out at a Beer Bar in Inchon
Jung Tae Choi, Moo Eob Ahn, Hee Cheol Ahn, Young Mi Choi, Jae Bong Chung, Jung Yeol Seo, Ki Cheol You, Sam Woo Lee, Suk Hyun Park, Jun Hwi Cho, Seong Whan Kim, Ah Jin Kim, Keun Jeong Song
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(4):511-517.
Comparison of Computer Tomography and Sonography in Patients Suspected of Having Appendicitis
Jeong Hun Lee, Pil Cho Choi, Min Sub Shim, Keun Jeong Song, Yeon Kwon Jeong
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(3):290-297.
Outcomes of Resuscitation in Tertiary Emergency Department by In-Hospital Utstein Style
Keun Jeong Song, Jeong Hun Lee, Il Soon Sung, Yeon Kwon Jeong, Sung Wook Choi
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(1):27-35.
Victims of Child Abuse to present to the Emeregency Department
Jung Tae Choi, Moo Eob Ahn, Hee Cheol Ahn, Young Mee Choi, Ki Cheol You, Yong Jun Cho, Jang Hoi Hwang, Joon Ho Song, Dong Hoon Shin, Keun Jeong Song
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2000;11(1):111-119.
Public Heath Response for the 1999 Winter Asian Games
Hee Cheol Ahn, Moo Eob Ahn, Jung Tae Choi, Young Mee Choi, Ki Cheol You, Yong Jun Cho, Jang Hoi Hwang, Joon Ho Song, Dong Hoon Shin, Keun Jeong Song
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2000;11(1):92-104.
Maritime Medicine
Wen Joen Chang, Keun Jeong Song, Hahn Shick Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2000;11(1):83-91.
The patient who presented to the Emergency Department because of domestic violence
Moo Eob Ahn, Hee Cheol Ahn, Jung Tae Choi, Young Mee Choi, Ki Cheol You, Yong Jun Cho, Jang Hoi Hwang, Joon Ho Song, Dong Hoon Shin, Keun Jeong Song
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2000;11(1):54-65.
Endotracheal Intubation in the Emergency Department of an Tertiary Care Center
Byeong Cheol Kim, Bo Seung Kang, Hyoung Gon Song, Jeong Hun Lee, Keun Jeong Song, Yeon Kwon Jeong
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 1999;10(4):579-586.
Rapid Sequence Intubation in the Korean Emergency Department
Keun Jeong Song, Byeong Cheol Kim, Moo Eob Ahn
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 1999;10(3):386-392.
The Relationship between Cerebral Reperfusion Flow and the Ischemic Histopathologic Damage after Incomplete Forebrain Ischemia in Rat Model
Tae Sik Hwang, Jeong Pill Seo, Keun Jeong Song, Yeon Kwon Jeong, Back Hyo Shin, Seung Ho Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 1999;10(2):175-182.
The Analysis of Emergency Medical Transport by EMS Helicopter
Hyoung Gon Song, Byeong Cheol Kim, Keun Jeong Song, Yeon Kwon Jeong, Baek Hyo Shin
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 1998;9(4):543-550.
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