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Use of Emergency Medical Services and Characteristics of Urgent and Non-Urgent Adult Patients according to the Usual Source of Care: A Korea Medical Expenditure Panel Study
Youn Suk Chai, Jae Kwang Lee, Seong Soo Park, Hyun Jin Kim, In Gu Kang, Hyun Soo Kim, Moo Sik Lee, Jee Young Hong, Mi Jin Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2015;26(2):129-137.
Comparison of the Diameter-Dependent Lubricant Effects on Stylet Removal from an Endotracheal Tube
Seok Jin Heo, Hyun Jin Kim, Youn Suk Chai, Seong Soo Park, In Gu Kang, Jae Kwang Lee, Mi Jin Lee, Sung Phil Chung, Beong Young Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2015;26(1):62-67.
Application of New Trauma Scoring Systems for Mortality Prediction in Patients with Adult Major Trauma
Yang Hun Kim, Kang Suk Seo, Mi Jin Lee, Jung Bae Park, Jong Kun Kim, Jae Yun Ahn, So Young Ha, Hyun Wook Ryoo, Yoo Ho Mun, Michael Sung Pil Choe
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2014;25(4):447-455.
Urban-Rural Gap in the Prehospital Delay of Acute Stroke Patients
Chang Duk Lim, Hyun Wook Ryoo, Yang Ha Hwang, Mi Jin Lee, Su Jeong Shin, Jae Yun Ahn, Jong Kun Kim, Jung Bae Park, Kang Suk Seo
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2013;24(6):664-673.
Work-related Fatigue, Stress and Depression of the Emergency Department Interns
In Hwan Yeo, Jong Kun Kim, Mi Jin Lee, Su Jeong Shin, Hyun Wook Ryoo, Jung Bae Park, Kang Suk Seo, Sin Youl Park, Seung Joon Yang, Tae Chang Jang, Dong Wook Je, Michael Sung Pil Choe
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2013;24(4):428-438.
Inadequate Post-hoc Statistical Power Analysis in Journal of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine
Hyun Wook Ryou, Mi Jin Lee, Jong Kun Kim, Michael Sung Pil Choe
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2013;24(4):338-345.
Current Citation Trend and Impact Factor Analysis of Korean Journals on Emergency Medicine
Hyun Wook Ryoo, Mi Jin Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2013;24(3):263-271.
Analysis of an Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Provider Course in Korea
Jin Ho Kim, Yong Soo Jang, Gu Hyun Kang, Yu Ha Na, Taek Geun Ohk, Bok Ja Lee, Sung Gon Lee, Hyuk Jun Yang, Mi Jin Lee, Hee Chol Ahn, Gyu Chong Cho
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2013;24(1):101-108.
The Current Status of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training for School
Bum Chul Lee, Mi Jin Lee, Su Jeong Shin, Hyun Wook Ryoo, Jong Kun Kim, Jeong Bae Park, Kang Suk Seo
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2012;23(4):470-478.
Immunoresuscitation Effect on Hemorrhagic Shock-Induced Acute Lung Injury in Rats
Sang Hyun Park, Mi Jin Lee, Kun Hyun Jo, Young Gyun Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2012;23(2):270-278.
Incidence and Outcome of Cardiac Arrest in Korea
Mi Jin Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2012;23(2):168-180.
Comparative Study Evaluating the Accuracy of the Urine Sodium Dithionite Test to Predict Plasma Paraquat Concentration in Poisoning Cases
In Gu Kang, Cheol Sang Park, Hyun Sik Ryu, Hyun jin Kim, Seong Soo Park, Mi Jin Lee, Won Joon Jeong, Won Suk Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):696-700.
Effect of Mild Therapeutic Hypothermia in Comatose Survivors after Asphyxial Cardiac Arrest
Jae Woong Jeung, Byung Kook Lee, Hyoung Youn Lee, Sang Wook Park, Kyung Woon Jeung, Mi Jin Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(5):408-415.
Serial Measured Glucose Level and Neurological Outcome in Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Survivors Who Received Therapeutic Hypothermia
Jee Yong Jang, Yong Su Lim, Hyuk Jun Yang, Won Bin Park, Sung Youl Hyun, Jin Sung Cho, Jin Joo Kim, Mi Jin Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(2):142-150.
A Case of Electrocardiographic and Mental Change in a Patient with a Diphenhydramine Overdose
Cheol Sang Park, In Gu Kang, Hyun Sik Ryu, Seong Soo Park, Mi Jin Lee, Won Joon Jeong
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2010;21(3):405-411.
Application of Perifix(R) LOR (Loss of Resistance) Syringe for Obtaining Adequate Intracuff Pressures of Endotracheal Tubes
Choon Kyu Cho, Hee Uk Kwon, Mi Jin Lee, Seong Soo Park, Won Joon Jeong
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2010;21(2):175-183.
Coincidence Analysis of Key Words and MeSH Terms in the Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine
Jin Seong Cho, Mi Jin Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2009;20(6):722-728.
The Efficacy of a Critical Event Monitoring System for Critical Care
Jae Hyug Woo, Yong Su Lim, Jae Kwang Kim, Jin Joo Kim, Sung Youl Hyun, Hyuk Jun Yang, Gun Lee, Mi Jin Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2009;20(6):689-696.
Emergency Care and Disposition of Prisoners in the Emergency Department
Bo In Lee, Mi Jin Lee, Seong Soo Park, Won Joon Jeong, Jae Gwang Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2009;20(5):577-584.
Comparison Analysis of Performance among the types of Intraosseous Needle in Animal Bone Models
Ji Sook Lee, Kyoung Chan Ahn, In Young Heo, Young Shin Cho, Sang Cheon Choi, Mi Jin Lee, Gi Woon Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2009;20(5):515-521.
The Influence of Rotation Order on Medical Students' BLS Performance during the OSCE Examination
Jun Ho Kang, Mi Jin Lee, Seong Soo Park, Won Joon Jeong, Jae Gwang Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2009;20(5):488-495.
Prospective Multi-center Evaluation and Outcome of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation for Victims of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in Seoul
Beom Kyu Cho, Sang Chul Kim, Hyun Kim, Mi Jin Lee, Yong Min Kim, Kyung Ryoung Lee, Han Sung Choi, Keun Jeong Song, In Cheol Park, Sung Pil Chung, Eun Kyung Eo, Ji Young Yoo, Tai Ho Im, Tai Ho Rho, Kang Hyun Lee, Sung Oh Hwang
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2009;20(4):355-364.
The Serial Changes of the Serum Interleukin-6 and Interleukin-10 Concentrations in Patients who Received Therapeutic Hypothermia after Successful Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Geon Yeong Jeong, Yong Su Lim, Jin Joo Kim, Jae Kwang Kim, Chung Kwon Kim, Hyuk Jun Yang, Hyung Seok Lee, Mi Jin Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2009;20(1):72-79.
Comparison of Instructional Methods for Teaching Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation to School Children: CPR Anytime(R) and Little Anne(R)
Sung Pil Chung, Junho Cho, Yoo Seok Park, Euichung Kim, Chan Woong Kim, Kyeong Ryong Lee, Mi Jin Lee, Hoon Lim, Wen Joen Chang, Jin Hee Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2008;19(6):627-631.
Survey of Radiation Exposure to Emergency Physicians
Sang Hoon Oh, Se Min Choi, Mi Jin Lee, Kyu Nam Park, Seung Pill Choi, Young Min Kim, Byung Hak So, Han Joon Kim, Young Soon Cho, Tai Yong Hong
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2008;19(5):541-550.
Ipsilateral Parotitis Due to Organopho - sphate Intoxication: A case report
Seon Hee Woo, Woon Jeong Lee, Yeon Young Kyong, Seung Pill Choi, Kyu Nam Park, Mi Jin Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2008;19(1):139-141.
Radiation Exposure to Physicians in the Emergency Department
Ju Hwan Jeong, Yeon Soo Lim, Kyu Nam Park, Young Min Kim, Se Min Choi, Mi Jin Lee, Joo Suk Oh, Young Min Oh, Tai Yong Hong
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2008;19(1):125-130.
Analysis of Factors Contributing to Reluctance and Attitude toward Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in the Community
Mi Jin Lee, Kyu Nam Park, Hyun Kim, Jung Ho Shin, Hyuk Jun Yang, Tai Ho Rho
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2008;19(1):31-36.
Clinical Analysis of Early Death in Severe Drowning Patients
Jung Hee Wee, Mi Jin Lee, Seung Pill Choi, Kyu Nam Park
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2007;18(3):250-255.
Prognostic Predictors of Outcome for Poisoning by Glyphosate-containing Herbicides, Based on Initial Findings in the Emergency Department
Won Jung Jeong, Se Min Choi, Mi Jin Lee, Kyoung Ho Choi, Kyu Nam Park, Won Jae Lee, Byung Hak So
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2006;17(6):630-636.
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