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Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine
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Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine
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Seung Ho Kim, a respected clinician, teacher and scientist in emergency medicine
Sung Oh Hwang, Sung Phil Chung
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Successful Linkage of 'Chain of Survival' in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: Two Cases of dispatcher-assisted Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Korea
Soo Jin Kim, Ki Ok Ahn, Sung Eun Kim, Sung Phil Chung
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Ultrasonography Versus MRI for Diagnosing Acute Appendicitis During Pregnancy
Pok Yeol Ryu, Sung Phil Chung, Je Sung You, Jae Eun Ku, Young Seon Joo
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Comparison of the Diameter-Dependent Lubricant Effects on Stylet Removal from an Endotracheal Tube
Seok Jin Heo, Hyun Jin Kim, Youn Suk Chai, Seong Soo Park, In Gu Kang, Jae Kwang Lee, Mi Jin Lee, Sung Phil Chung, Beong Young Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Validation of the Glasgow-Blatchford score and the Pre-endoscopic Rockall Score for Predicting Active Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Emergency Department Patients with Suspected Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Dong Woo Lee, Hye Sun Lee, Je Sung You, Yoo Seok Park, Sung Phil Chung
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Task and Time Analysis of Intern Physicians in the Emergency Department: Multicenter Cross-sectional Study
Sung Phil Chung, Je Sung You, Min Joung Kim, Young Hoon Yoon, Dae Young Hong, Yoo Sang Yoon, Junho Cho, Kyung Woo Lee, Jun Ho Kang, Kyungwon Lee, Byeong Jo Chun, Ji Ho Ryu, Seung Whan Kim, Jang Young Lee, Hoon Lim, Su Jin Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Current Duty Hours of Emergency Resident Physicians in Korea: Multicenter Cross-sectional Study
Sung Phil Chung, Hyung Goo Kang, Ho Jung Kim, Ji Ho Ryu, Yoo Seok Park, Dong Woo Seo, Young Hoon Yoon, Jae Chol Yoon, Kyungwon Lee, Jang Young Lee, Kyung Woon Jeung, Gyu Chong Cho
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Accuracy of the Automatic External Defibrillator on an Electric Mattress: Simulation Study
Jae Eun Ku, Je Sung You, Young Seon Joo, Hyun Soo Chung, Sung Phil Chung, Hahn Shick Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Improving Communication Skill Competency in the Emergency Department through Role Play and Direct Observation
Hyun Soo Chung, S Barry Issenberg, Je Sung You, Junho Cho, Min Joung Kim, In Cheol Park, Hahn Shick Lee, Sung Phil Chung
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Usefulness of Delta Neutrophil Index in Prediction of Septic Shock in Patients with Community-acquired Pneumonia
Youngseon Joo, Nu Ga Rhee, Hyun Jong Kim, Je Sung You, Hyun Soo Chung, Sung Phil Chung, Hahn Shick Lee, Jong Wook Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Evaluation of Emergency Consultation Skill: A Preliminary Study
Seung Hoon Jeon, Kyunghwa Han, Seunghwan Kim, Hyun Jong Kim, Nuga Rhee, Je Sung You, Yoo Seok Park, Sung Phil Chung, Incheol Park, Min Joung Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Effectiveness of Cold Alcohol Scrub on Pain Associated with Arterial Blood gas Analysis
Taeyoung Kong, Hye Sun Lee, Seunghwan Kim, Min Joung Kim, Yoo Seok Park, Sung Phil Chung, Incheol Park
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
A 45degrees set Square Method for Accurate Needle Insertion in Ultrasound-guided Internal Jugular Venous Catheterization
Ji Hoon Kim, Dong Woo Lee, Sung Phil Chung, Je Sung You, Yoo Seok Park, Incheol Park, Seungho Kim, Hahn Shick Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Comparative Evaluation of the Harmless Acute Pancreatitis Score and CT Severity Index to Predict Mild Clinical Course of Acute Pancreatitis in the Emergency Department
Sung Woo Kang, Nu Ga Rhee, Hyun Jong Kim, Je Sung You, Sung Phil Chung, Hahn Shick Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Assessment of Perforation of Acute Appendicitis using the Delta Neutrophil Index Reflecting Peripheral Immature Granulocyte Count
Nu Ga Rhee, Min Joung Kim, Hyun Jong Kim, Sung Phil Chung, Hahn Shick Lee, Jong Wook Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Relationship of Clinical Manifestation of Renal Colic to Ureteral Stone Size and Location
June Young Lee, Minhong Choa, Hyun Jong Kim, Nuga Rhee, Sung Phil Chung, Hahn Shick Lee, Min Joung Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Comparative Evaluation of Chest Compression in a 30degrees Inclined Lateral Position Designed for Pregnant Cardiac Arrest Patients-Manikin Study
Jae Ho Lee, Minhong Choa, Jung Suk Park, Seunghwan Kim, Yoo Seok Park, Sung Phil Chung, Incheol Park
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Assessment and Training Effect of Communication Skills of Emergency Department Staffs
Jung Suk Park, Sang Mo Je, Min Jung Kim, Hyun Soo Chung, Sung Phil Chung, Hahn Shick Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Comparison of Anatomical and Clinical Characteristics in Emergency Endotracheal Intubation Between Non-Elderly and Elderly Adults
Nu Ga Rhee, Je Sung You, Sang Mo Je, Yoo Seok Park, Sung Phil Chung, Incheol Park
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Comparison of the Macintosh Laryngoscope and the GlideScope Video Laryngoscope in a Cadaver Model of Foreign Body Airway Obstruction
Yoon Joon Kim, Dong Ryul Ko, June Young Lee, Sang Mo Je, Tae Nyoung Chung, Hyun Soo Chung, Sung Phil Chung
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Optimal Chest Compression Depth for Children Determined by Chest Computed Tomography
Jung Hoon Park, Sang Mo Je, Je Sung You, Sun Wook Kim, Tae Nyoung Chung, Min Joung Kim, Yoo Seok Park, Sung Phil Chung, Incheol Park
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Estimation of the Rate of Preventable Deaths After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Preliminary Study
Ki Man Lee, Sung Phil Chung, Min Joung Kim, Keun Jeong Song, Jun Seob Shin, Young Taek Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Emergency Airway Management Using a Glidescope Video Laryngoscope in Trauma Patients
Jung Eon Kim, Min Joung Kim, Sung Phil Chung, In Cheol Park, Seung Ho Kim, Hahn Shick Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.