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Table of Contents | March, 2001  Vol. 12  No.1   Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive
In this issue:

Original Articles
1 Duration-Dependent Neuroprotective Effect of Post-Ischemic Mild Hypothermia in the Gerbil Global Ischemic-Reperfusion Model
Young Min Kim, Se Kyung Kim, Kyu Nam Park, Seung Pil Choi, Joong Hoon Bae
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(1):1-11.
12 Inhibition of Apoptosis Following Transient Forebrain Ischemia in Gerbils by Intraischemic Mild Hypothermia
Seung Pil Choi, Kyu Nam Park, Ji Young You, Seung Hyun Park, Dong Rul Oh, Won Jae Lee, Yong Ho Chun, Se Kyung Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(1):12-20.
21 Clinical Analysis of Octreotide in Varix Bleeding
Woon Yong Kwon, Joong Sik Jung, Kyu Seok Kim, Sung Hye Kim, Sang Do Sin, Joong Eui Rhee, Gil Joon Suh, Yeo Kyu Youn
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(1):21-26.
27 Outcomes of Resuscitation in Tertiary Emergency Department by In-Hospital Utstein Style
Keun Jeong Song, Jeong Hun Lee, Il Soon Sung, Yeon Kwon Jeong, Sung Wook Choi
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(1):27-35.
36 Study of Potential Organ and Tissue Donation in the Emergency Room
Soo Hyeong Cho, Nam Soo Cho, Chun Ho Kim, Jeong Hwan Chang
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(1):36-44.
45 Problems in Trauma Care and Preventable Deaths
Koo Young Jung, Jun Sig Kim, Yoon Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(1):45-56.
57 Emergency Ultrasonography in Unconscious Trauma Victims
Young Jin Cheon, Ji Yeong Ryu, Eun Kyung Eo, Koo Young Jung
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(1):57-63.
64 Stool Cultures and Antibiotic Therapy in Cases of Acute Diarrhea
Gab Teug Kim, Jin Chul Kim, Hwa Sik Song
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(1):64-73.
74 A Review of Acute Emphysematous Pyelonephritis
Houng Gyu Sohn
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(1):74-83.
84 Anaphylactic Shock Patients Admitted in the Emergency Department of a Tertiary Hospital
Jong Seok Park, Hai Shim Park, Su Young Lee, Yoon Seok Jung, Joon Pil Cho
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(1):84-90.
91 Administration of Etomidate as a Single Agent for Conscious Sedation During a Reduction of Various Dislocations in the Emergency Department
Gi Woon Kim, Christopher C Lee, In Cheol Park, Yoon Seok Jung, Joon Pil Cho
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(1):91-95.
Case Reports
96 Combined Subclavian Artery and Brachial Plexus Injuries due to Blunt Trauma: A Case Report
Seung Baik Han, Jun Sig Kim, Kwang Je Baek, Ah Jin Kim, Dong Wun Shin, Yong Joo Lee, Wan Ki Baek
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(1):96-99.
100 A Case of Spontaneous Uterine Rupture in the Second Trimester of Pregnancy
Seong Eun Lee, Myung Cheon Kim, Young Gwan Ko
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(1):100-104.
Editorial Office
The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine
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