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Table of Contents | December, 2011  Vol. 22  No.6   Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive
In this issue:

Randomized Controlled Trial
650 Comparative Evaluation of Chest Compression in a 30degrees Inclined Lateral Position Designed for Pregnant Cardiac Arrest Patients-Manikin Study
Jae Ho Lee, Minhong Choa, Jung Suk Park, Seunghwan Kim, Yoo Seok Park, Sung Phil Chung, Incheol Park
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):650-655.
Original Articles
591 Effect of Establishing an ECG Transmission System on Time Required for Patients with ST-segment elevation Myocardial Infarction to Receive Reperfusion Therapy
Il Kook Choi, Han Joo Choi, Sung Bum Oh, Tae Soo Kang
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):591-598.
599 Validation of Termination Guidelines for Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest in Korea
Jong Geun Eun, Min Seob Sim, Keun Jeong Song, Mi Kyong Kwon, Sang hyun Park, Jun Seob Shin, Min Joung Kim, Sung Pil Chung, Hahn Shick Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):599-604.
605 Use of Point-of-Care Blood gas Analyzer for Potassium Measurement in Cardiac Arrest Cases
Jang Hee Lee, Shin Ahn, Won Young Kim, Chang Hwan Sohn, Dong Woo Seo, Won Kim, Kyung Soo Lim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):605-608.
609 Does Switching Rescuers Every 2 Minutes Improve the Quality of Chest Compression Provided in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation?
Young Jo Kim, Gyu Chong Cho, Ji Yeong Ryu, Ji young You, Yong Su Jang
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):609-614.
615 Analysis of Factors Influencing the Severity of Cultivator-Related Trauma patients and Correlation between these Factors
Jong Hoon Oh, Hyoung Youn Lee, Byung Kook Lee, Hyun Ho Ryu, Kyung Woon Jeung, Tag Heo, Yong Il Min
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):615-622.
623 Analysis of Factors Affecting Length of Hospital Stay in Severe Trauma Patients
Suguun Jin, Duko Lim, Chang Jae Lee, Tae Nyoung Chung, Eui Chung Kim, Sung Wook Choi, Ok Jun Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):623-627.
628 Comparison of the Macintosh Laryngoscope and the Disposcope Endoscope(R) in Both Normal Airway and Manual In-line Stabilization for Suspected Cervical Spine Injury Patients: A Simulation Study using an Airway Training Manikin
Sung Ho Son, Sang O Park, Kwang Je Baek, Phil Jo Choi
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):628-634.
635 The Effect of Inclusion of Rhythmic Music on the Effectiveness of Basic Life Support (BLS) Education
Jae Hyung Choi, Hoon Lim, Young Soon Cho, Kyu jong Cho, Jung Hwan An
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):635-642.
643 Effectiveness of Medical Student Training and Performance Assessment for Initial Evaluation and Management of Patients with Multiple Trauma, Using Realistic Patient Simulation
Jun Young Hong, Dong Hoon Lee, Sang Jin Lee, Chan Woong Kim, Sung Eun Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):643-649.
656 Effect of Public re-education in willingness to Perform bystander Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Yu Ha Na, Keun Jeong Song, Gyu Chong Cho, Hoon Lim, Jung Wee Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):656-661.
662 Diagnostic Patterns and Medical Costs in the Evaluation of Syncope Patients Visiting an Emergency Department
Hee Yoon, Ji Ung Na, Tae Gun Shin, Min Seob Sim, Ik Joon Jo, Hyoung Gon Song, June Soo Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):662-668.
669 Comparison of Infection Rates for Central Venous Catheters Administered in an Intensive Care Unit versus an Emergency Department
Hyung Jun Moon, Young Soon Cho, Ho Jung Kim, Hoon Lim, Myung Gab Lee, ByeongDae Yoo, Duck Ho Jun
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):669-675.
676 Multivariate Analysis of Physical and Laboratory Factors for Acute Abdomen Detection in Young Women Visiting the Emergency Department due to Non-Traumatic Abdominal Pain
Chang Jae Lee, Duko Lim, Su Guun Jin, Tae Nyoung Chung, Ok Jun Kim, Sung Wook Choi, Eui Chung Kim, Yun Kyung Cho
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):676-683.
684 Poor Prognosis of Patients with Septic Shock Associated with Low Serum Selenium Levels
So Young Ha, Gil Joon Suh, Hui Jai Lee, Woon Young Kwon, Kyung Su Kim, Ki Young Jeong
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):684-689.
690 Analysis of Clinical Characteristics and Correct Diagnosis Rate Associated with Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension in the Emergency Department
Ki yong Hong, Dong Woo Seo, Sang sik Choi, Chang Hwan Shon, Won Young Kim, Kyoung Soo Lim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):690-695.
696 Comparative Study Evaluating the Accuracy of the Urine Sodium Dithionite Test to Predict Plasma Paraquat Concentration in Poisoning Cases
In Gu Kang, Cheol Sang Park, Hyun Sik Ryu, Hyun jin Kim, Seong Soo Park, Mi Jin Lee, Won Joon Jeong, Won Suk Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):696-700.
701 Clinical Characteristics and Worsening Prognosis for Undertriage Patients in the Emergency Department: A University Affiliated Hospital Observational Study
Sang Ook Ha, Kyoung Soo Lim, Won Kim, Bum Jin Oh
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):701-708.
709 Representations of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation on Korean Medical Dramas: Fiction Versus Reality
Min Seong Kwon, Woong Jung, Sung Hyuk Park, Hyun Kyung Park, Myung Chun Kim, Young Gwan Ko
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):709-715.
716 Emergency Physician Turnover in Private Clinics
Woo Young Nho, Jong Kun Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):716-727.
728 Relationship of Clinical Manifestation of Renal Colic to Ureteral Stone Size and Location
June Young Lee, Minhong Choa, Hyun Jong Kim, Nuga Rhee, Sung Phil Chung, Hahn Shick Lee, Min Joung Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):728-734.
735 Evaluation of Emergency Care for Foreign Patients in Korea
Hoo Jeon, Gu Hyun Kang, Yong Soo Jang, Jung Tae Choi, Jin Ho Kim, Bok Ja Lee, Sung Gon Lee, Hee Chol Ahn, Gyu Chong Cho
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):735-742.
743 Evaluation of Eye Injury Cases in a Single Emergency Department
Seong Hun Kim, Hyun Wook Ryoo, Jung Bae Park, Kang Suk Suh, Jae Myung Chung, Su Jeong Shin, Jong Kun Kim, Shin Ryul Park, Ae Jin Sung
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):743-750.
751 Clinical Study of Pediatric Ocular Injury Patients Visiting an Emergency Medical Center
Jae Kyung Cho, Hyun Wook Ryoo, Su Jeong Shin, Jong Kun Kim, Jeong Bae Park, Kang Suk Seo, Jae Myung Chung
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):751-759.
Case Reports
760 A Case of a Acute Myocardial Infarction Complicated by a Snake Bite
Tae Chang Jang, Young Woo Seo, Kyung Won Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):760-763.
764 Pericardial Effusion after Central Venous Catheterization of Subclavian Vein
Sang Bong Lee, Seong Chun Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):764-767.
768 Three Cases of Traumatic Pulmonary Pseudocysts in Old Age
Sang Chul Kim, Woo Sung Lee, Yo Han Kim, Yun Kwon Kim, Jin Young Kim, Nam Ho Kim, Ho Sung Jung, Yu Shik Shim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):768-772.
773 Two Cases of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Diagnosed using Magnetic Resonance Images
Seungnam Son, Dae Seob Choi, Jin Jong You, Nack Cheon Choi
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(6):773-776.
Editorial Office
The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine
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