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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 17(1); 2006 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2006;17(1): 1-7.
The Effect and Appropriateness of CPR Training in Elementary School Children
Chan Woo Park, Jun Hwi Cho, Taek Gun Ok, Yoon Seong Kim, Ki Hoon Choi, Jeong Yeul Seo, Hee Cheol Ahn, Moo Eob Ahn, Byung Ryul Cho, Yong Hoon Kim, Jeong Hyun Park
1Department of Emergency Medicine, College of Medicine, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Korea. cjhemd@kangwon.ac.kr
2Medicine-Gifted Education Institute, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Korea.
3Department of Emergency Medicine, Chuncheon Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea.
4Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Korea.
5Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Korea.
6Clinical Research Institute of Kangwon National University Hospital, Chuncheon, Korea.
We undertook this study to evaluate the effects and the appropriateness of CPR training for elementary school children.
The Kangwon National University developed a "Human Body Explorer Program", where local fifth and sixth grade students would learn about the human body. The 72 students who participated in this program were used in this study. The subjects were evaluated by comparing CPR data collected from nurses working at Kangwon National University Hospital. The education sessions consisted of a 30 minute video tape and slides; then, under the supervision of their teacher, the subjects were asked to practice what they had seen. Ten criteria were used to evaluate the subject's CPR proficiency. The CPR skill sessions used Laerdal's HeartSim(R) 4000, and the data stored from the HeartSim(R) 4000 were collected for further analysis. A statistical analysis was done using the SPSS statistical software package. A pvalue< 0.05 was considered to statistically significant.
A total of 72 subjects were evaluated. Their average age was 13.2+/-0.5 years. The subjects had very little experience with CPR education(0.17) prior to this study. The data gathered were compared to the evaluation table and yielded an average score of 20.53. The criteria used in the study had the following results: The assessing responsiveness(2.0/2.0), activating the EMS (calling for help) (1.99/2.0), checking for breathing(3.47/4.0), and compression to ventilation ratio of 15:2(1.6/2.0) showed to be at the 80 percentile. However the follow criteria showed a less than 80 percentile: opening the airway(1.54/2.0), mouth-to-mouth breathing(2.04/4.0), checking the carotid pulse(2.0/4.0), chest compression(1.88/4.0), chest compression velocity(1.02/4.0), and reassessment(1.44/2.0). The data from the manikin was extrapolated, and upon examination, we found the following: Correct ventilation was 25+/-31%, insufficient ventilation was 67+/-38% and excessive ventilation was 3+/-10%. Correct chest compression was 9+/-23% and insufficient compression was 91+/-23%, and excessive compression was absent. We compared these scores to the score from nurses of Kangwon University Hospital and found that elementary school children scored higher in all variables except in rate of chest compression. The scores were statistically significant (p<0.05) in total score, check for breathing, and reassessment. The skills evaluation showed that the adults scored higher than the elementary school children. All variables were significant (p<0.05).
We found that elementary school children were superior to adult counterparts in understanding the CPR scheme. An expansion of CPR training to elementary school children is needed.
Key words: CPR, Training, School, Child
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