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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 16(4); 2005 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2005;16(4): 433-440.
Effect of Meteorological Phenomena on the Development of Spontaneous Pneumothorax
Sung Youp Hong, Hee Bum Yang, Young Mo Yang
Department of Emergency Medicine, College of Medicine, Eulji University, Daejon, Korea. emhong@eulji.ac.kr
This study examined the influence of meteorological phenomena on the development of spontaneous pneumothorax (SP).
We conducted this study from January to November 2004. We obtained the daily SP incidence from data requested by the National Health Insurance office from general hospital in Daejon, and we got the meteorological data from the Daejon Regional Meteorologic office. The difference in meteorological phenomena between cluster days (3 or more SP) and no SP days was analyzed using a generalized additive model (GAM) that used a specialized form of the non-parametric, non-linear regression test.
Five hundred sixty-six SP patients were included. There were 369 male patients and 74 female patients. SP patients were associated with significantly lower atmospheric pressure and with broad swings of daily atmospheric pressure for 4-7 days prior to the hospital visits. More clouds had gathered for several days before cluster days than had gathered on days with no SP.
Development of SP is related with meteorological phenomena. SP occurs when lower atmospheric pressure, broad swings of atmospheric pressure, and cloudy weather are collectively exprienced for several days before the hospital visit.
Key words: Pneumothorax, Atmospheric pressure, Meteorological factors
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