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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 25(3); 2014 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2014;25(3): 252-260.
A Comparative Study of Tissue Injury Grades, with Clinical Factors, in Patients with Hydrofluoric Acid Burns who Received Intra-arterial Infusion of Calcium Gluconate
Ji Han Lee, Yong Nam In, Jun Ho Kang, Kyu Hong Han, Jin Hong Min, Jung Soo Park, Hoon Kim, Suk Woo Lee
Department of Emergency Medicine, College of Medicine, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Korea. cpr@chungbuk.ac.kr
Hydrofluoric acid (HFA) causes injury via tissue penetration by the free fluoride ion.
for treatment of HFA burns include continuous intra-arterial infusion of calcium gluconate, which is especially useful for patients with dermal burns of the digits caused by HFA. However, no comparative study of tissue injury grade with clinical factors among patients with HFA burns treated with continuous intra-arterial infusion of calcium gluconate has been conducted in Korea.
We conducted a prospective study at the emergency department of a university teaching hospital between January 2011 and June 2013. The subjects enrolled in this study consisted of 33 patients with HFA burns. After completion of treatment, we divided the patients into three groups according to the type of skin lesions. Patients requiring a skin graft or surgical flap were included in the poor outcome group, those who had to undergo incision and drainage in the moderate outcome group, and those who did not require further treatment in the good outcome group.
After completion of all treatments, 22 of the 33 patients were included in the good outcome group and seven in the moderate outcome group; the remaining four patients were included in the poor outcome group, as they met the above-mentioned criteria, experienced longer-lasting pain, and were more frequently treated with injection in comparison with the other patients.
Patients with HFA burns with long-term pain who need frequent arterial injections despite undergoing intra-arterial calcium gluconate treatment are likely to have poor outcome; therefore, they require more proactive interventions.
Key words: Hydrofluoric acid, Intra-arterial injection, Calcium gluconate
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