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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 14(5); 2003 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2003;14(5): 575-580.
Internal Disaster Mapping of Asan Medical Center
Jae Ho Lee, Kyoung Soo Lim, Jae Chol Yoon, Yun Kyung Park, Won Kim
1Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Seoul Korea. kslim@amc.seoul.kr
2Hanil Clinic, Seoul, Korea.
Hospitals should be prepared for out-of-hospital (external) and in-hospital (internal) disasters. Mapping is vital for disaster management. Disaster situations can be quickly and comprehensibly understood through the use of disaster mapping. The purpose of this article is to design an internal disaster map for the Asan Medical Center (AMC). We expect this mapping to be helpful in making an internal disaster plan and in controlling an internal disaster.
Internal disasters were classified into three categories according to the disaster size and the response level, and the three categories were AMC Code I, II, and III. The triage was divided into 6 groups. AMC and its surrounding area were latticed at the interval of 50 meters. The essential elements of the internal disaster plan were drawn on the latticed map by using the procedures in the internal disaster plan.
Internal disaster maps were designed for Code II and III internal disaster. Primary and secondary control lines enclosed the hospital area and the disaster site. A command post, a treatment area with a triage area, and a transport area were positioned in each disaster code map. Evacuation roots and traffic flow were drawn. Evacuation maps for intensive-care-unit and high-floor patients were designed in light of their limited mobility. Disaster ID cards and parking cards were also made.
The internal disaster mapping of AMC will allow emergency medical personnel to visualize and verify their disaster plan and to quickly access critical information on the disaster situation. Also, it can be used for interagency communication.
Key words: Disaster planning, Disaster mapping, In-hospital, Internal
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