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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 10(2); 1999 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 1999;10(2): 191-197.
A Study of Case-Based Adult Advanced Cardiac Life Support(ACLS) course in Korea
Kyu Nam Park, Se Min Choi, Seung Hyun Park, Eun Young Yoo, Se Kyung Kim
BACKGROUND: To describe the fast experience of case-leased advanced cardiac life support(ACLC) course in Korea.
We have given case-based ACLC course to 13 nurses(6 emergency nurses, 4 coronary care unit muses, 3 professors) and 17 physicians(4 emergency physicians, 12 emergency residents, 1 intem). We performed the case-based ACLS course according to 1992 American Heart Association guidelines and recommendations for advanced cardiac life support by american ACLS instructors(1 pulmonologist, 4 critical care nurses). We performed final theoretical written test and 2 times written survey (immediate and 100th day after the course) about the course.
On final written test, all practitioners answered at leasts 70% of the questions correctly. There was no significant difference between nurses and physicians(86.2+/-3.6 of physicians and 82.5+/-6.8 of nurses, p=0.06). 90%of participants considered that case-based advanced cardiac life support was acceptable. 100th day after the course, 93%of participants answered that ACLS course have been helpful on his/her job and also want retraining of ACLS course. 70%of participants considered that ideal ACLS training committee in Korea is the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Case-based ACLS course is a useful educational method far physicians and nurses in Korea. In the future, we should organize Korean resuscitation committee and then make guidelines for ACLS, and then continuously educate physicians and nurses.
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