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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 9(4); 1998 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 1998;9(4): 523-532.
Assessment of Patients' Satisfaction and it's related Factors in the Emergency Department
Kang Suk Seo, Sin Kam, Jeong Bae Park, Jeong Heon Lee, Jong Kun Kim, Young Kook Yun, Kyung Suk Kwak, Won Kee Lee, Seok Jeung Woo
BACKGROUND: To examine the influencing factors on patients' satisfaction in the emergency department(ED) far quality assurance.
Patients who visited to the ED were prospectively investigated from November 1 to December 31,1997. Authors developed questionnaire to investigate influencing factors on patients' satisfaction.4 Chi-square test and 115-REL 7.0 were applied far statistical analysis.
Patients' satisfaction was significantly related to physical environment variables, accessibility variables, kindness of hospital personnel variables, and patient's trust for doctors variables. In path analysis, willingness for revisit was influenced by patients' satisfaction, accessibility, physical environment, patients' trust for doctors in order, and willingness for recommendation was influenced by accessibility, patients' satisfaction, and kindness of hospital personnel in order. CONCLUSIONS : The influencing factors on patients' satisfaction are physical environment, accessibility, kindness of hospital personnel, and patient's trust far doctors. Willingness far revisit and willingness far recommendation are influenced by patients' satisfaction. In spite of some limitations, the results of this study can be used as a baseline information for exploring the influencing factors on patients' satisfaction. Further comprehensive research efforts should be made on the study of patients' satisfaction in the ED.
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