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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 9(2); 1998 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 1998;9(2): 248-256.
The Effect of the Adenosine on Paroxysmal Supraventriclar Tachycardia in the Emergency Department
Won Yul Kim, Kyung Ho Lee, Young Chul Yun, Kyung Hwan Kim, Hong Yong Kim, Byung Ok Kim
BACKGROUND: Adenosine has gained wide popularity in the emergency medical service system(EMS) since its approval for use in the treatment of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia(PSVT). But, few study about its efficacy and safety have been reported in this country. Therefore we had studied the efficacy of adenosine in the patients with PSVT in the emergency department(ED). METHOD: A prospective outcome study was performed from July, 1996 to June, 1997 at the Sanggye Paik Hospital. Inje University. PSVT was diagnosised based on emergency physician's interpretation of the 12 channel ECG. patient's age, sex, symptoms, systolic blood pressure, heart rate, elapse time to sinus rhythm and side effects were recorded.
Twenty seven cases received adenosine for diagnosed PSVT in the ED for 1 year. The cases were 6 man and 21 women. The mean age was 53.4 years old. Three cases were considered unstable PSVT. In twenty six cases(96.3%) were converted to normal sinus rhythm after adenosine therapy. None of the patients who converted to sinus rhythm had recurrent PSVT or required additional medication. Various adverse effects of adenosine were noted in all patients but were transient and clinically insignificant.
Intrvenous adenosine is an effective, safe and urgent treatment PSVT and no significant side effects were happened in emergency department.
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