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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 8(2); 1997 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 1997;8(2): 179-184.
Level of Emergency Medical care Required in Religious Mass Gathering
Kwan Mo Yang, Tae Wook Kwon, Du Young Hwang, Hwan Lee, Joo Il Hwang, Se Kyung Kim
STUDY OBJECTIVE: determine the level of medical care required for mass gatherings and describe the types of medical problems encountered in a religious mass gathered ceremony. DESIGN: Standard charts and a four-tiered triage system(minor, moderate, urgent, and emergent) were developed before the event. The triage system was applied to each chart retrospectively by a single emergency physician. SETTING: Medical staff(10 physicians,13 nurses,1 pharmacist, and 54 first-aid attendants) were based in 8 advanced life support (ALS) clinics. INTERVENTIONS: First-aid attendants referred patients to the clinics, where nurses conducted initial assessments and referred patients to physicians at the venue. Three ambulances were stationed at the venues. RESULT: 22 trauma patients were developed and 183 medical complaints were encountered. Only 7 urgent medical problems were encountered.
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