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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 1(1); 1990 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 1990;1(1): 84-94.
The Rib Fractures as an Indicator of Need for Interhospital Transfer in the Multiple Blunt Trauma Patients
Kyung Soo Lim, Sung Joon Kang, Joong Hwan Oh, Dae Hyun Kim
This prospective study of multiple trauma patients seen from March 1989 through February 1990, who visited or transferred to emergency department of Wonju Christian Hopital was undertaken to determine to what extent rib fracture affected patient outcome. Two thousand five hundred five patients were divided according to number of rib fractures and analyzed. Group I (n=2,316) was defined as patients sustaining no rib fracture, Group II (n=85) as patients sustaining one or two rib fractures, and Group III (n= 104) as patients sustaining three or more rib fractures. Trauma Score (TS) value was measured as soon as patients arrived at emergency department, and Injury Severity Score(ISS) value was measured after diagnostic study or operation. Mean ISS of Group I was 11.64, and mortality was 2.07%. This was worsened in Group III, so mean ISS was 23.65 and mortality was 16.34%. As number of rib fracture was increased, injury severity and mortality was also increase. We conclude that the presence of three or more rib fractures identified a group of patients requiring transfer to a hospital in which trauma surgeon and enough medical equipment is prepared, as soon as possible.
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