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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 29(6); 2018 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2018;29(6): 687-698.
일개 도 지역 자살 시도 환자에 대한 병원전 단계 분석
김기환1, 조준휘1,2, 문중범1,2, 박찬우1,2, 신명철1,2, 김가을1,2, 이준석1, 박윤수1, 옥택근1,2
1강원대학교병원 응급의학과
2강원대학교 의학전문대학원 응급의학교실
The pre-hospital analysis of patients with suicide attempts in Gangwon-do
Gi Whan Kim1, Jun Hwi Cho1,2, Joong Bum Moon1,2, Chan Woo Park1,2, Myoung Cheol Shin1,2, Ka Eul Kim1,2, Joon Seok Lee1, Yoon Soo Park1, Taek Geun Ohk1,2
1Department of Emergency Medicine, Kangwon National University Hospital, Chuncheon, Korea
2Department of Emergency Medicine, Institute of Medical Sciences, Kangwon National University School of Medicine, Chuncheon, Korea
Correspondence  Taek Geun Ohk ,Tel: 033-258-2438, Fax: 033-258-2451, Email: otgotg11@gmail.com,
Received: July 1, 2018; Revised: October 4, 2018   Accepted: October 5, 2018.  Published online: December 31, 2018.
This study examined the characteristics of suicidal attempters, including pre-hospital patients and those who visited the emergency department.
Suicidal attempters who had been reported to the 119 call center were selected between July 2015 and June 2016. Sex, age, place, methods of suicidal attempt, season, time, and suicide success rate were reviewed in the fire center records.
A total 961 suicide attempters were enrolled. Among them, 53.6% were males who had an approximately 2.6 times higher mortality than that of females (9.2%). The most preferred place to commit suicide was the home in both sexes (68.0% in male, 82.8% in female) and the most preferred methods was drug intoxication, particularly pesticide. The method with the highest mortality was hanging and the lowest was self-harm. The season of the highest mortality was spring. The success of suicide and the time variation were similar. Most of the un-transferred patients also selected fatal suicide attempts compared to transfer patients.
Unlike previous studies, this study includes information on un-transferred patients. Overall, the probability of death was highest as more than 50 years men chose hanging as a method, which had an influence on the un-transferred patients group.
Key words: Emergency medical services; Suicide; Treatment refusal
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