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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 24(1); 2013 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2013;24(1): 83-88.
A Qualitative Study for development of an Informed Consent Form using an iPad in an Emergency Department
Yongil Cho, Sangmo Je, Boseung Kang, Taeho Lim, Yooseok Park, Sungphil Chung
1Department of Emergency Medicine, College of Medicine, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea. ontheera@gmail.com
2Department of Emergency Medicine, College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.
This study identifies best practices for informed consent for emergent computed tomography (CT) scans and development of a new document used to explain the informed consent using an iPad in an emergency department (ED).
Literature review, semi-structured interviews, and observations of informed consent were used for development of a new process for informed consent. Participants were ED physicians, residents, and senior nurses. Interviews were conducted for identification of agreed best practice and to derive new structural documents for classification of the information into relevant sections.
Interviews identified a variety of perceived current deficits in informed consent, including difficult contents and missing explanation of the possible adverse events, such as radiation hazards. Participants provided examples of poor informed consent that were thought to have led to patient dissatisfaction; these included delay for patients who do not agree to undergo CT scan due to brief or inaccurate explanation. The interviewers' responses were used to reach a unifying 'best practice' for the content of informed consent. Their opinions were also used in implementation of a new tool for informed consent using the iPad.
A new informed consent was developed using an iPad in order to provide a more efficient and organized template, which includes visual information necessary to facilitate understanding. Additional video clips were also developed in order to provide adjuvant materials for detailed explanations.
Key words: Informed consent, Computed tomography
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