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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 34(5); 2023 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2023;34(5): 437-452.
코로나-19 감염증 유행기간 동안 권역 내 응급의료기관별 및 일반적 특성에 따른 의료진의 직무스트레스, 우울감, 불면증, 피로감 비교분석
양승하 , 김정혁 , 김동원 , 이태헌 , 서정열 , 안무업
한림대학교 춘천성심병원 응급의학과
Comparison of work stress, depression, insomnia, and fatigue of emergency department medical staff according to the emergency medical institutions and general characteristics during COVID-19 epidemic
Seung Ha Yang , Jeong Hyeok Kim , Dong Won Kim , Tae Hun Lee , Jeong Yeol Seo , Moo Eob Ahn
Department of Emergency Medicine, Hallym University Chuncheon Sacred Heart Hospital, Chuncheon, Korea
Correspondence  Jeong Hyeok Kim ,Tel: 033-240-5000, Fax: 033-240-5446, Email: saveyou77@naver.com,
Received: September 21, 2022; Revised: November 5, 2022   Accepted: November 5, 2022.  Published online: October 31, 2023.
The objective of this study was to investigate job stress, depression, insomnia, and fatigue of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) medical staff and analyze the differences according to their general characteristics.
The study enrolled 98 workers at emergency medical institutions with COVID-19 treatment facilities located in Gangwon Province. An online survey was used to protect personal information. Data were analyzed using the statistical program SPSS version 28. The differences in job stress, depression, insomnia, and fatigue of COVID-19 medical staff were verified by t-test and analysis of variance.
Analyzing job stress revealed that the average of the lowest relationship conflict stress for each sub-factor was 2.22, the average stress for job demand was the highest at 3.78, and the average whole job stress was 3.04. Contrarily, the average for depression was 1.69, insomnia 2.96, and fatigue 3.07. No statistically significant differences were observed for job stress, depression, insomnia, and fatigue when considering the type of workplace, gender, and occupation of COVID-19 medical staff. However, statistically significant differences were obtained in some variables including age, family members, working period, COVID-19 confirmed, and COVID-19-related education experience.
In this study, differences in job-related stress, depression, insomnia, and fatigue were confirmed considering the general characteristics of COVID-19 medical staff. In particular, the results of this study are significant since the difference in perceived stress in performing COVID-19 tasks was identified through empirical analysis by considering sub-factors of job stress.
Key words: COVID-19; Medical staff; Occupational stress; Depression; Disorders of initiating and maintaining sleep; Fatigue
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