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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 26(1); 2015 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2015;26(1): 76-81.
Relation between Inferior Vena Cava Collapsibility and Central Venous Pressure
Byung Chan Lee, Jung Youn Kim, Yun Sik Hong, Sung Hyuk Choi, Young Hoon Yoon, Sung Woo Moon, Sung Woo Lee
Department of Emergency Medicine, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea. yellowwizard@hanmail.net
For evaluation of volume status in the emergency department, central venous pressure (CVP) measurement is a standard practice. However, this is an invasive method. Measuring inferior vena cava (IVC) size through ultrasound is promising as a non-invasive method. However, few studies have been reported in Korea. Therefore this study measured IVC size and collapsibility in order to examine the clinical usefulness.
In a prospective study setting, IVC size was measured with ultrasound for patients whose CVP was measured in the emergency department. IVC size of healthy applicants was measured.
The healthy group included 100 people: 68 men and 32 women. The average IVC size of men was 1.8+/-0.4 cm and that of women was 1.8+/-0.3 cm. For collapsibility, men were 0.28+/-0.14 and women were 0.23+/-0.14, thus there was no statistical difference in size and collapsibility between men and women. The patient group included 51 people, average age was 59.9+/-18.5, and 28 (54.9%) were men. This group showed a significant negative correlation between CVP and collapsibility. IVC Max was 1.7+/-0.5 cm, IVC Min was 1.2+/-0.5 cm, median collapsibility was 0.26 (0.15-0.38), mean lactate was 6.4+/-4.4 mmol/L, and median CVP was 10.0 (1.0-14.5) cmH2O.
IVC collapsibility can be used as a reference measure, or even instead of CVP in certain cases.
Key words: Central venous pressure, Inferior vena cava, Ultrasonography
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