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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 22(1); 2011 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2011;22(1): 9-15.
Direct Medical Direction Performed in an Emergency Medical Information Center
Sung Wook Park, Suck Joo Cho, Yong In Kim, Mean Ryul Park, Moon Gi Min, Sung Hwa Lee, Sun Min Hwang
Department of Emergency Medicine, Pusan National University College of Medicine, Korea. csjmedigate@naver.com
This study was performed to evaluate the appropriateness of medical direction for the prehospital emergency treatment of 119 rescue services in an emergency information center.
A total of 4,028 cases requested by 119 rescue services from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2009 were reviewed retrospectively. Medical direction for requests of 119 rescue services constituted five categories. The appropriateness of medical direction for prehospital emergency treatment of 119 rescue services was evaluated according to area and specialty.
The majority of the 119 rescue service requests concerned resource information (72.4%). Medical direction for prehospital treatment comprised a small proportion of the requests (13.2%). The total appropriatenss of medical direction for prehospital treatment was 56.4% and was higher in emergency physician than non-emergency physician. The appropriatenss difference between two areas was not determined.
The requests for prehospital emergency treatment of 119 rescue services was low. The appropriatenss of medical direction for emergency treatment was low and higher appropriatenss was observed in emergency physician.
Key words: Medical direction, Information center, Prehospital emergency care
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