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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 20(4); 2009 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2009;20(4): 343-354.
A Study on the Factors Influencing the Accuracy of Chest Compression during Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Trying in a Moving Ambulance
Sung Gi Hong, In Ah Son
1Kimpo Fire Station, Gyeonggi Provincial Fire and Disaster Headquarters, Kimpo, Korea.
2Department of Emergency Medical Technology, Gachon University of Medicine and Science. inason@hanmail.net
The study offers the recommended guidelines for EMTs to improve their CPR techniques in an ambulance by analyzing external factors to perform more effective and accurate chest compression in a moving ambulance while patients are being transported to hospital.
Seventeen of the first class EMTs at GyeongGi- Do agreed to participate in the research. In order to analyze the factors that have influenced the accuracy of chest compression, the type of ambulance (Van-type, Truck-type), velocity of a moving ambulance (60, 70, 80 km/hr), chest compression posture (standing, knee supported) and assistive devices (Main stretcher car, CPR board, Long Spine board) for chest compression were compared to each other. The research was conducted according to the phased procedure in an attempt to evaluate the difference between the chest compression posture and the assistive devices in appropriateness of chest compression.
The findings of this study included that chest compression posture and the use of assistive devices influenced the effectiveness of chest compression. With regard to compression depth, the chest compression that occurred on the main stretcher in ambulances while in the standing position, were the least effective. Chest compression that occurred on a Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation board (CPR board) was the most effective in the supported posture. In addition, the accuracy of chest compression was higher in a supported posture than in a standing posture. In both postures, the accuracy of chest compression was higher when a CPR board or a Long spine board (LSB) were used, than when a main stretcher was used.
The study showed that the chest compression posture and the use of assistive devices had an effect on appropriateness of chest compression. As for posture during chest compression, the accuracy of chest compression increased when knees were supported. Also, the study suggested that the use of CPR board among other assistive devices for chest compression was the factor contributing to an increase in the effectiveness of chest compression depth.
Key words: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), Chest Compression, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Ambulances
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