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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 19(2); 2008 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2008;19(2): 192-199.
The Usefulness of Visual Aids assisted Informed Consent for Central Venous Catheter Insertion with Subclavian Vein
Hwa Yeon Yi, Won Jun Jeong, Won Suk Lee, In Sool You, Seung Hwan Kim, Seung Ryu, Jang Young Lee
1Department of Emergency Medicine, College of Medicine, Chungnam National University, Deajon, Korea.
2Department of Emergency Medicine, College of Medicine, Eulji University, Deajon, Korea. pons1224@hanmail.net
Informed consent is a basic standard of care for all patients undergoing invasive procedures, but the effectiveness of consent form describing risks of procedures in a way that minimizes anxiety and maximizes recall of information is often poor. This study was designed to compare level of understanding and recall of information between patients receiving visual aid assisted informed consent and those administered written consent only.
A sample population was randomized into two groups to receive one of two information delivery methods. The intervention group was presented visual aids explaining the procedure. The control group received information from physicians with written consent in the traditional manner. After the education sessions, all participants completed a questionnaire including a 9-question knowledge measurement section and were asked to grade there satisfaction level on 4-point scale. Mean scores, agreement and satisfaction levels were compared to assess whether the informed consent with visual aids was superior to standard written consent. Statistical analysis employed Student's ttest, and the chi-square test with significance levels at a pvalue of <0.05.
Of the 100 individuals enrolled, 50 were randomized to the visual aids group. Mean knowledge scores were higher in the visual aids group (76.4+/-11.1) than in the written consent group (50.9+/-15.1, p=0.00), and the visual aid group expressed greater satisfaction with their education than did the written consent group (74.5+/-14.7 versus 49.0+/-20.8, p=0.00). The proportion of agreement was also higher in the visual aid group than in the written consent group (p=0.00).
The use of visual aids in explaining central venous catheterization yielded higher knowledge scores and satisfaction levels than did traditional written informed consent.
Key words: Catheterization, Central Venous, Informed Consent, Audiovisual Aids
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