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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 19(1); 2008 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2008;19(1): 142-146.
Acute Appendicitis with Superior Mesenteric Vein Thrombosis and Portal Vein Thrombosis
Sun Hyu Kim, Eun Seok Hong, Woo Youn Kim, Ryeok Ahn, Jung Seok Hong
Department of Emergency Medicine University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Ulsan University Hospital, Korea. cocahite@kornet.net
Superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and portal vein thrombosis are rare conditions that are difficult to diagnose due to vague symptoms, but they are usually fatal when they occur. Appendicitis is the one of the most common causes of superior mesenteric vein thrombosis, via venous drainage from the appendiceal area into the portal system. We report a case of superior mesenteric vein thrombosis and portal vein thrombosis secondary to appendicitis presenting with diarrhea, low abdominal pain, and jaundice. The patient was treated with antibiotics and anticoagulants, without fatal complications, but developed a chronic sequela of portal vein thrombosis. It is important to consider thrombosis of the superior mesenteric vein and portal vein in patients who have intra-abdominal infection with specific or non-specific symptoms.
Key words: Thrombosis, Superior mesenteric vein, Portal vein, Appendicitis
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