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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 19(1); 2008 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2008;19(1): 102-108.
The Analysis of Escalator-related Injuries in Aging Population
Jong Ha Jang, Chan Woong Kim
Department of Emergency Medicine, Yong San Hospital, Chung Ang University, Seoul, Korea. whenever@cau.ac.kr
Escalator-related injuries have been considered uncommon and most likely to occur to children. We set out to describe the epidemiology of these injuries with focus on the aging population in order to determine whether or not escalators are safe for the aged, and in order to obtain information to help in preventing escalator-related injuries.
A prospective survey was undertaken to identify the number and nature of these injuries from May 2004 to June 2006. We enrolled patients who had sustained escalated- related injuries and a standard list of questions and answers were recorded by the emergency physician. A total of 54 Such questionnaires were completed during the study period. Data were analyzed using SPSS 12.0K.
The average patient age 63.40+/-20.92 years (range 3-94). There were 18 (33.3%) males. Only 4 (7.4%) were younger than their sixteen year, but 36 (66.7%) were over age 65 and 17 of those were injured from standing on escalators. However of 18 patients younger than age 65, 13 were injured from walking on moving escalators.
Escalator-related injuries are not as uncommon as previously believed and the aged population over 65 years old is the highest risk group. Additionally, walking on moving escalator was a cause of injuries. Therefore, two orimary prevention strategies are needed. Provision of alternatives to escalators for people over 65 and keeping passengers from walking on escalators.
Key words: Escalators, Injuries, Aged, Prevention
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