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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 19(1); 2008 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2008;19(1): 82-87.
S-100B Protein as a Useful Serologic Marker of Acute Stroke with Nonspecific Neurologic Symptoms
Maeng Real Park, Ji Yun Ahn, Bum Jin Oh, Won Kim, Kyung Soo Lim
Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Korea. bjoh@amc.seoul.kr
There is a distinct probability of severe complications with stroke unless patients are administered proper treatment at the optimal time. S-100B protein has been reported to be elevated in brain injuries. The current study investigates the efficacy of serum S-100B protein administration during the diagnostic process for patients who have had an acute stroke.
We prospectively recruited the patients with nonspecific neurological symptoms. Non-specific neurological symptoms were defined as no focal neurological deficits or stroke suspected symptoms with NIHSS score zero. We grouped the patients according to the presence of a brain lesion (positive vs negative group) by computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. Using serum S-100B protein together with CT/MRI imaging at the time of diagnosis, the cutoff value, sensitivities, and specificities were calculated in making a diagnosis of acute stroke.
Thirty one patients were enrolled. The level of serum S-100B protein was higher in positive group (median 0.201, interquartile range 0.134-0.469) than in negative group (0.085, 0.060-0.106, p=0.001). In diagnosing acute stroke, the sensitivity was 90.9% at a cutoff value for serum S-100B protein of 0.10 microgram/L . At the cutoff level of serum S-100B protein and the specificity was 75.0%.
The current results suggest that serum S-100B protein may be a useful serologic marker for detecting acute stroke that is suspected with non-specific neurological abnormalities. Further studies are necessary to use the marker as a screening method for acute strokes.
Key words: S-100B protein, Stroke, Neurologic deficits, Serologic Tests, Diagnosis
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