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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 25(3); 2014 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2014;25(3): 340-343.
Cervical Spine Epidural Hematoma Disguised as Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Case Report
Sukjin Cho, Seung Woon Choi, Tae Kyung Kang, Hye Jin Kim, Sung Chan Oh, Seok Yong Ryu
Department of Emergency Medicine, Inje University Sanggye Paik Hospital, Seoul, Korea. ryuchoi64@paik.ac.kr
Cervical spine epidural hematoma is a rare disease, which can sometimes be misdiagnosed as acute ischemic stroke when a patient shows hemiparesis. A 68-year-old woman visited the emergency department with right side motor weakness without signs of facial palsy or cranial nerve deficit. She also complained of accompanying neck pain. Acute ischemic stroke was suspected initially and a non-contrast computed tomography of the brain was taken, which showed no cerebral hemorrhage. Brain and cervical spine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed for further evaluation. No evidence of cerebral infarction. However, an epidural hematoma was detected on cervical spine MRI. The patient was consulted to the neurosurgery department and decompressive laminectomy and hematoma evacuation was performed. Emergency physicians should consider cervical spine epidural hematoma in cases of sudden onset hemiparesis with accompanying neck pain.
Key words: Spinal epidural hematoma, Magnetic resonance Imaging, Cerebrovascular disorders
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